Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Applications Due 15th June!

The second round of applications for The Barn Market are due in by Saturday 15th June! The application will go before the panel in the week or so following this and outcomes will be indicated by the end of June!  Successful applicants will be allocated a minimum of one market for the remainder of the year.

If you have make or design products here in Tasmania that you think would suit the Barn Market, especially if it is unique, please email us to request an application form. Email:

Hop to it; can't wait to see all the new goodies on offer...

Please note; some categories of products (such as jewellery and children's products) are now in abundance at The Barn Market. In order to avoid over saturation of any one product type, some applications may be declined if they are too similar to another/other stallholders already existing in the pool.  In addition to this, some successful applicants in such categories will be placed on a waiting list to contact if a current stall holder from the same category ceases to participate.  Thank you for your understanding on this tricky matter.

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